30秒学会 JavaScript 片段 – serializeForm
Encode a set of form elements as a query string. Use the FormData constructor to convert the HTML fo...
Encode a set of form elements as a query string. Use the FormData constructor to convert the HTML fo...
Converts a comma-separated values (CSV) string to a 2D array. Use Array.prototype.slice() and Array....
Returns the length of a string in bytes. Use s.encode(‘utf-8’) to encode the given string and return...
Returns a string with whitespaces compacted. Use Regex.Replace() with a regular expression to replac...
Escapes a string to use in a regular expression. Use String.prototype.replace() to escape special ch...
Pads a string on both sides with the specified character, if it’s shorter than the specified l...
Converts a string to snake case. Use String.replaceAllMapped() to break the string into words and St...
Indents each line in the provided string. Use strings.Replace() to prepend i to each line.
Returns an object containing the parameters of the current URL. Use String.prototype.match() with an...
Returns true if the given string contains any whitespace characters, false otherwise. Use RegExp.pro...