30秒学会 Python 片段 – Key of max value
Finds the key of the maximum value in a dictionary. Use max() with the key parameter set to dict.get...
Finds the key of the maximum value in a dictionary. Use max() with the key parameter set to dict.get...
Converts an integer to its roman numeral representation. Accepts value between 1 and 3999 (both incl...
Initializes a list containing the numbers in the specified range where start and end are inclusive a...
Combines two lists into a dictionary, where the elements of the first one serve as the keys and the ...
Checks if all the values in a list are unique. Use set() on the given list to keep only unique occur...
Pads a string on both sides with the specified character, if it’s shorter than the specified l...
Finds the first key in the provided dictionary that has the given value. Use dictionary.items() and ...
Combines two or more dictionaries, creating a list of values for each key. Create a new collections....
Maps a number from one range to another range. Return num mapped between outMin–outMax from in...
Sorts one list based on another list containing the desired indexes. Use zip() and sorted() to combi...