30秒学会 Dart 片段 – dropRightWhile
从列表的尾部开始删除元素,直到传入的遍历函数返回 true,然后返回剩下的元素。 使用 List.lastIndexWhere() 来遍历执行 test 函数,以找到最后一个满足条件的元素。如果未找到...
从列表的尾部开始删除元素,直到传入的遍历函数返回 true,然后返回剩下的元素。 使用 List.lastIndexWhere() 来遍历执行 test 函数,以找到最后一个满足条件的元素。如果未找到...
Converts a string to title case. Use String.replaceAllMapped() to break the string into words and ca...
Returns the most frequent element in a list. Use Iterable.toSet() to get the unique values of the li...
Returns the sum value of a list of numbers. Use Iterable.reduce() to sum all the numbers in a list.
Truncates a string up to a specified length. Determine if the string’s length is greater than ...
Calculates the factorial of an integer. Use recursion. If n is less than or equal to 1, return 1. Ot...
Converts an angle from degrees to radians. Use pi and the degree to radian formula to convert the an...
Checks if the first integer argument is divisible by the second one. Use the modulo operator (%) to ...
Returns the symmetric difference between two lists, after applying the provided function to each lis...
Returns true if all the elements in values are included in itr, false otherwise. Use Iterable.every(...