30秒学会 Dart 片段 · 2020年5月17日

30秒学会 Dart 片段 – toTitleCase

Converts a string to title case.

Use String.replaceAllMapped() to break the string into words and capitalize the first letter of each word, using a RegExp.
Use String.replaceAll() to replace invalid separator characters (- and _) with spaces.


String toTitleCase(String str) {
  return str
          (Match m) =>
      .replaceAll(RegExp(r'(_|-)+'), ' ');


toTitleCase('some_database_field_name'); // 'Some Database Field Name'
toTitleCase('Some label that needs to be title-cased'); // 'Some Label That Needs To Be Title Cased'
toTitleCase('some-package-name'); // 'Some Package Name'
toTitleCase('some-mixed_string with spaces_underscores-and-hyphens'); // 'Some Mixed String With Spaces Underscores And Hyphens'