30秒学会 JavaScript 片段 · 2022年2月24日

30秒学会 JavaScript 片段 – Unwind object

Produces an array of objects from an object and one of its array-valued properties.

  • Use object destructuring to exclude the key-value pair for the specified key from the object.
  • Use Array.prototype.map() for the values of the given key to create an array of objects.
  • Each object contains the original object’s values, except for key which is mapped to its individual values.


const unwind = (key, obj) => {
  const { [key]: _, ...rest } = obj;
  return obj[key].map(val => ({ ...rest, [key]: val }));

unwind('b', { a: true, b: [1, 2] }); // [{ a: true, b: 1 }, { a: true, b: 2 }]
