30秒学会 React 片段 · 2023年10月20日

30秒学会 React 片段 – React useSearchParam hook

Tracks the browser’s location search param.

  • Use the useCallback() hook to create a callback that uses the URLSearchParams constructor to get the current value of param.
  • Use the useState() hook to create a state variable that holds the current value of the param.
  • Use the useEffect() hook to set appropriate event listeners to update the state variable when mounting and clean them up when unmounting.


const useSearchParam = param => {
  const getValue = React.useCallback(
    () => new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get(param),

  const [value, setValue] = React.useState(getValue);

  React.useEffect(() => {
    const onChange = () => {

    window.addEventListener('popstate', onChange);
    window.addEventListener('pushstate', onChange);
    window.addEventListener('replacestate', onChange);

    return () => {
      window.removeEventListener('popstate', onChange);
      window.removeEventListener('pushstate', onChange);
      window.removeEventListener('replacestate', onChange);
  }, []);

  return value;


const MyApp = () => {
  const post = useSearchParam('post');

  return (
      <p>Post param value: {post || 'null'}</p>
        onClick={() =>
          history.pushState({}, '', location.pathname + '?post=42')
        View post 42
      <button onClick={() => history.pushState({}, '', location.pathname)}>

  <MyApp />
