30秒学会 JavaScript 片段 – getURLParameters
Returns an object containing the parameters of the current URL. Use String.prototype.match() with an...
Returns an object containing the parameters of the current URL. Use String.prototype.match() with an...
Returns the current URL. Use window.location.href to get the current URL.
Makes a POST request to the passed URL. Use XMLHttpRequest web api to make a post request to the giv...
Redirects to a specified URL. Use window.location.href or window.location.replace() to redirect to u...
Returns true if the given string is an absolute URL, false otherwise. Use a regular expression to te...
Makes a GET request to the passed URL. Use XMLHttpRequest web api to make a get request to the given...
Makes a PUT request to the passed URL. Use XMLHttpRequest web api to make a put request to the given...
Makes a DELETE request to the passed URL. Use XMLHttpRequest web api to make a delete request to the...
Returns the current URL without any parameters. Use String.prototype.indexOf() to check if the given...
Redirects the page to HTTPS if its currently in HTTP. Also, pressing the back button doesn’t t...