30秒学会 JavaScript 片段 – expandTabs
Convert tabs to spaces, where each tab corresponds to count spaces. Use String.prototype.replace() w...
Convert tabs to spaces, where each tab corresponds to count spaces. Use String.prototype.replace() w...
Converts a string to camelcase. Use re.sub() to replace any – or _ with a space, using the regexp r”...
Converts a string to snake case. Break the string into words and combine them adding _ as a separato...
Converts a string to kebab case. Use Regex.Matches() with an appropriate regular expression to break...
Checks if the provided value is of the specified type. Ensure the value is not undefined or null usi...
Clones a regular expression. Use new RegExp(), RegExp.source and RegExp.flags to clone the given reg...
Converts a string to snake case. Use Regex.Matches() with an appropriate regular expression to break...
Joins all given URL segments together, then normalizes the resulting URL. Use String.prototype.join(...
Converts a string to title case. Use Regex.Matches() with an appropriate regular expression to break...
Capitalizes the first letter of every word in a string. Use String.prototype.replace() to match the ...