30秒学会 React 片段 – Alert
Creates an alert component with type prop. Define appropriate CSS styles and animations for the comp...
Creates an alert component with type prop. Define appropriate CSS styles and animations for the comp...
Renders a Modal component, controllable through events. To use the component, import Modal only once...
A hook that copies the given text to the clipboard. Use the copyToClipboard snippet to copy the text...
Renders a countdown timer that prints a message when it reaches zero. Use object destructuring to se...
Renders a carousel component. Use the React.useState() hook to create the active state variable and ...
Renders a star rating component. Define a component, called Star that will render each individual st...
A hook that handles the event of clicking inside the wrapped component. Create a custom hook that ta...
Creates a spinning loader component. Define appropriate CSS styles and animations for the component&...
A hook that returns a value based on a media query. Check if window and window.matchMedia exist, ret...
Renders a table with rows dynamically created from an array of objects and a list of property names....