30秒学会 Python 片段 – Index of min element
Returns the index of the element with the minimum value in a list. Use min() and list.index() to obt...
Returns the index of the element with the minimum value in a list. Use min() and list.index() to obt...
Python’s divmod() comes in handy quite often. Its purpose is to return a 2-tuple consisting of...
Returns the index of the element with the maximum value in a list. Use max() and list.index() to get...
Finds a contiguous subarray with the largest sum within an array of numbers. Use a greedy approach t...
Reverses a number. Use str() to convert the number to a string, slice notation to reverse it and str...
Definition The Euclidean distance between two points is the length of the line segment connecting th...
Rounds a number to a specified amount of digits. Use Math.round() and template literals to round the...
Returns the n minimum elements from the provided list. Use sorted() to sort the list. Use slice nota...
Finds the items that are parity outliers in a given list. Use collections.Counter with a list compre...
Calculates the average of two or more numbers. Use Array.prototype.reduce() to add each value to an ...