30秒学会 C# 片段 – LCM
Calculates the least common multiple of the given numbers. Define a _GCD() method that determines th...
Calculates the least common multiple of the given numbers. Define a _GCD() method that determines th...
Returns the minimum of a collection, after mapping each element to a value using the provided functi...
Returns the distance between two points. Use Math.hypot() to calculate the Euclidean distance betwee...
Returns the powerset of a given array of numbers. Use Array.prototype.reduce() combined with Array.p...
Checks if the first numeric argument is divisible by the second one. Use the modulo operator (%) to ...
Returns the average of a list, after mapping each element to a number using the provided function. U...
Returns a random integer in the specified range. Use Random.Next() to generate an integer in the des...
Calculates the factorial of a number. Use recursion. If num is less than or equal to 1, return 1. Ot...
Returns true if at least one of the arguments is true, false otherwise. Use the logical or (||) oper...
Returns the least common multiple of two or more numbers. Use the greatest common divisor (GCD) form...