30秒学会 Dart 片段 – unionBy
Returns every element that exists in any of the two lists once, after applying the provided function...
Returns every element that exists in any of the two lists once, after applying the provided function...
Converts a color code to a rgb() or rgba() string if alpha value is provided. Use bitwise right-shif...
Returns true if the given number is a power of 2, false otherwise. Use the bitwise binary AND operat...
Hashes the input string into a whole number. Use String.prototype.split(”) and Array.prototype.redu...
Calculates the greatest common divisor of a list of numbers. Use functools.reduce() and math.gcd() o...
Merges two or more lists into a list of lists, combining elements from each of the input lists based...
Returns true if the given number is even, false otherwise. Checks whether a number is odd or even us...
Converts Celsius to Fahrenheit. Follows the conversion formula F = 1.8C + 32.
Initializes and fills an array with the specified values. Use Array(n) to create an array of the des...
Returns the minimum of the given dates. Use the ES6 spread syntax to find the minimum date value, ne...