30秒学会 JavaScript 片段 – getDaysDiffBetweenDates
Returns the difference (in days) between two dates. Calculate the difference (in days) between two D...
Returns the difference (in days) between two dates. Calculate the difference (in days) between two D...
Attempts to invoke a function with the provided arguments, returning either the result or the caught...
Hashes the input string into a whole number. Use String.prototype.split(”) and Array.prototype.redu...
Indents each line in the provided string. Use String.replace and a regular expression to add the cha...
Inserts an HTML string before the start of the specified element. Use el.insertAdjacentHTML() with a...
Uncurries a function up to depth n. Return a variadic function. Use Array.prototype.reduce() on the ...
Creates a function that invokes fn with a given context, optionally adding any additional supplied p...
Converts Celsius to Fahrenheit. Follows the conversion formula F = 1.8C + 32.
Create a n-dimensional array with given value. Use recursion. Use Array.prototype.map() to generate ...
Initializes and fills an array with the specified values. Use Array(n) to create an array of the des...