30秒学会 JavaScript 片段 – percentile
Uses the percentile formula to calculate how many numbers in the given array are less or equal to th...
Uses the percentile formula to calculate how many numbers in the given array are less or equal to th...
Creates an array of elements, grouped based on the position in the original arrays. Use Math.max.app...
Checks if the provided argument is array-like (i.e. is iterable). Check if the provided argument is ...
Mutates the original array to filter out the values specified. Use Array.prototype.filter() and Arra...
Returns an array of partial sums. Use Array.prototype.reduce(), Array.prototype.slice(-1) and the un...
Checks if the given number falls within the given range. Use arithmetic comparison to check if the g...
Creates a directory, if it does not exist. Use fs.existsSync() to check if the directory exists, fs....
Randomizes the order of the values of an array, returning a new array. Use the Fisher-Yates algorith...
Builds an array, using an iterator function and an initial seed value. Use a while loop and Array.pr...
Returns a string of the form HH:MM:SS from a Date object. Use Date.prototype.toTimeString() and Stri...