30秒学会 JavaScript 片段 – Range generator
创建一个生成器,可以在指定的范围内生成固定间隔的数字。 使用一个 while 来遍历从 start 到 end 中的所有数, 用 yield 来返回中间的每一个数,并依次增加 step。 如果第三个参...
创建一个生成器,可以在指定的范围内生成固定间隔的数字。 使用一个 while 来遍历从 start 到 end 中的所有数, 用 yield 来返回中间的每一个数,并依次增加 step。 如果第三个参...
Creates a generator that iterates over an iterable, flattening nested iterables. Use recursion. Use ...
JavaScript’s Symbol.iterator is a very powerful tool that every web developer should learn how...
Finds all the indexes of a substring in a given string. Use Array.prototype.indexOf() to look for se...
TypeScript’s enums are a very convenient feature present in many other languages. JavaScript, ...
Converts the output of a generator function to an array. Use the spread operator (…) to convert th...
Split array into chunks of a given size In order to split an array into chunks of a given size, you ...
Almost every generator function needs a termination condition. Instead of writing the same code over...
Creates a generator, looping over the given array indefinitely. Use a non-terminating while loop, th...
Have you ever needed to initialize an array with a sequence of generated values? Or perhaps you want...