30秒学会 JavaScript 片段 – isSameDate
Check if a date is the same as another date. Use Date.prototype.toISOString() and strict equality ch...
Check if a date is the same as another date. Use Date.prototype.toISOString() and strict equality ch...
Returns true if the given DateTime is a not weekday, false otherwise. Use DateTime.DayOfWeek to chec...
Returns the string representation of the weekday for the given DateTime. Use DateTime.ToString() wit...
Check if a date is after another date. Use the greater than operator (>) to check if the first da...
Converts an integer to a suffixed string, adding am or pm based on its value. Use the modulo operato...
Results in a string representation of tomorrow’s date. Use new Date() to get the current date,...
Returns the maximum of the given dates. Use the ES6 spread syntax with Math.max to find the maximum ...
Returns the minimum of two DateTime values. Use the conditional operator (?:) to return the minimum ...
Returns tomorrow’s DateTime value. Use DateTime.Now to get the current date, then use DateTime...
Returns the human readable format of the given number of seconds. Use TimeSpan.FromSeconds() to conv...