30秒学会 Dart 片段 – mask
Replaces all but the last num runes of a string with the specified mask. Use String.substring() to g...
Replaces all but the last num runes of a string with the specified mask. Use String.substring() to g...
Groups the elements of a list based on the given function and returns the count of elements in each ...
Checks if a string is upper case. Convert the given string to upper case, using String.toUpperCase()...
Returns the last element in a list. Check if lst has a non-zero length, use lst[lst.length – 1] if p...
Returns true if the provided predicate function returns true for at least one element in a collectio...
Returns a a list of n random integers in the specified range. Use List.generate() to generate a list...
Chunks a list into smaller lists of the specified size. Use List.generate() to generate a list that ...
Converts a given string into a list of words. Use String.split() with the supplied pattern to conver...
Returns the nth element of a list. Check if lst has a length greater than n, use lst[n] if possible ...
Removes non-printable ASCII characters. Use String.replaceAll() with a regular expression to remove ...