30秒学会 C# 片段 – Stringify
Combines the elements of an enumerable object into a string. Use string.Join() to combine all elemen...
Combines the elements of an enumerable object into a string. Use string.Join() to combine all elemen...
Checks if the first numeric argument is divisible by the second one. Use the modulo operator (%) to ...
Returns a random integer in the specified range. Use Random.Next() to generate an integer in the des...
Splits values into two groups according to a predicate function, which specifies which group an elem...
Splits a string into an array of strings using a multicharacter (string) separator. Use string.Split...
Filters a collection keeping up to n occurences of each value. Use IEnumerable.Distinct() in combina...
Creates a new string by repeating the given string n times. Use Enumerable.Repeat() to repeat s n ti...
Given a collection, returns the items that are parity outliers. Use IEnumerable.GroupBy() to create ...
Returns the maximum of two DateTime values. Use the conditional operator (?:) to return the maximum ...
Returns all indices of n in an IList. Use Enumerable.Range() to iterate over all indices in data. Us...