30秒学会 React 片段 – Lazy-loading image
Renders an image that supports lazy loading. Use the useState() hook to create a stateful value that...
Renders an image that supports lazy loading. Use the useState() hook to create a stateful value that...
Renders a link formatted to call a phone number (tel: link). Use phone to create a <a> element...
In rare cases when you need to access DOM element directly, you can get it by requiring ElementRef i...
Forces the component to re-render when called. Use the useReducer() hook that creates a new object e...
Renders a tooltip component. Use the React.useState() hook to create the show variable and initializ...
Renders an <input> element that uses a callback function to pass its value to the parent compo...
It is possible to add global event listeners in your Components/Directives with HostListener. Angula...
You can create own helper component and use it instead of *ngIf. @Component({ selector: ‘loader’, te...
It’s possible to use @ViewChild (also @ViewChildren and @ContentChild/Children) to query for c...
Renders a textarea component with a character limit. Use the React.useState() hook to create the con...