30秒学会 C# 片段 – IsDivisible
Checks if the first numeric argument is divisible by the second one. Use the modulo operator (%) to ...
Checks if the first numeric argument is divisible by the second one. Use the modulo operator (%) to ...
Returns a random integer in the specified range. Use Random.Next() to generate an integer in the des...
Check if a date is before another date. Use the less than operator (<) to check if the first date...
Calculates the factorial of a number. Use recursion. If num is less than or equal to 1, return 1. Ot...
Checks if the given argument is a symbol. Use typeof to check if a value is classified as a symbol p...
Replaces all but the last n of characters with the specified mask character. Slice the given string ...
Splits a multiline string into an array of lines. Use String.prototype.split() and a regular express...
Returns true if the provided predicate function returns true for all elements in a collection, false...
Removes elements from an array for which the given function returns false. Use array_filter() to fin...
Returns true if at least one of the arguments is true, false otherwise. Use the logical or (||) oper...