30秒学会 Dart 片段 – randomIntInRange
Returns a random integer in the specified range. Use Random.nextDouble() to generate a random number...
Returns a random integer in the specified range. Use Random.nextDouble() to generate a random number...
Calculates the greatest common divisor between two or more numbers/arrays. The inner _gcd function u...
Returns true if the given number is odd, false otherwise. Check whether a number is odd or even usin...
Checks if two numbers are approximately equal to each other. Use abs() to compare the absolute diffe...
Horizontally and vertically centers a child element within a parent element using grid. display: gri...
Initializes an integer slice in the given range (inclusive). Use make() to create a slice of appropr...
Unescapes escaped HTML characters. Use String.prototype.replace() with a regex that matches the char...
Checks if the given argument is a native boolean element. Use typeof to check if a value is classifi...
Check if a word / substring exists in a given string input. Using strpos() to find the position of t...
Sets the value of a CSS rule for the specified HTML element. Use element.style to set the value of t...