30秒学会 Dart 片段 – isUpperCase
Checks if a string is upper case. Convert the given string to upper case, using String.toUpperCase()...
Checks if a string is upper case. Convert the given string to upper case, using String.toUpperCase()...
Checks if a string is upper case. Use strings.ToUpper() to convert the string to upper case and comp...
Renders a ticker component. Use the React.useState() hook to initialize the ticker state variable to...
Returns the head of a list. Use lst[0] to return the first element of the passed list.
Renders a table with rows dynamically created from an array of primitives. Render a <table> el...
Returns the last element in a list. Check if lst has a non-zero length, use lst[lst.length – 1] if p...
Generates an array, containing the Fibonacci sequence, up until the nth term. Create an empty array ...
Returns true if the provided predicate function returns false for all elements in a collection, fals...
Check if a string starts with a given substring. Use strpos() to find the position of $needle in $ha...
Returns the last element for which the provided function returns a truthy value. Use array_filter() ...