30秒学会 C# 片段 – HaveSameContents
Returns true if two collections contain the same elements regardless of order, false otherwise. Use ...
Returns true if two collections contain the same elements regardless of order, false otherwise. Use ...
Returns all distinct values in a collection. Use IEnumerable.Distinct() to get the distinct values i...
Mutates the original array to filter out the values specified. Use Array.prototype.filter() and Arra...
Returns true if the provided predicate function returns false for all elements in a collection, fals...
Returns an array of partial sums. Use Array.prototype.reduce(), Array.prototype.slice(-1) and the un...
Randomizes the order of the values of an array, returning a new array. Use the Fisher-Yates algorith...
Builds an array, using an iterator function and an initial seed value. Use a while loop and Array.pr...
Returns all distinct values in a collection. Use IEnumerable.GroupBy() to create groups for each dis...
Returns an array of n-tuples of consecutive elements. Use Array.prototype.slice() and Array.prototyp...
Creates an object from the given key-value pairs. Use Array.prototype.reduce() to create and combine...