30秒学会 JavaScript 片段 – mask
Replaces all but the last num of characters with the specified mask character. Use String.prototype....
Replaces all but the last num of characters with the specified mask character. Use String.prototype....
Joins all elements of an array into a string and returns this string. Uses a separator and an end se...
Returns the minimum value of a list, after mapping each element to a number using the provided funct...
Returns true if the provided predicate function returns true for all elements in a collection, false...
Converts an angle from radians to degrees. Use math.pi and the radian to degree formula to convert t...
Returns the logical inverse of the given value. Use the logical not (!) operator to return the inver...
Joins all given URL segments together, then normalizes the resulting URL. Use String.prototype.join(...
Flattens a 2D collection into a single dimension. Use IEnumerable.SelectMany() to flatten the 2D enu...
Returns all unique values of an array, based on a provided comparator function, starting from the ri...
Check if all elements in an array are equal. Use Array.prototype.every() to check if all the element...