30秒学会 JavaScript 片段 – toggleClass
Toggles a class for an HTML element. Use element.classList.toggle() to toggle the specified class fo...
Toggles a class for an HTML element. Use element.classList.toggle() to toggle the specified class fo...
Generates a UUID in a browser. Use crypto API to generate a UUID, compliant with RFC4122 version 4.
Reverses a string. Use String.split(”) and Iterable.reversed to reverse the order of the runes in t...
Checks if a string is lower case. Convert the given string to lower case, using String.toLowerCase()...
Converts a string to kebab case. Use Regex.Matches() with an appropriate regular expression to break...
Normalizes line endings in a string. Use String.prototype.replace() and a regular expression to matc...
Creates a staggered animation for the elements of a list. Set the opacity to 0 and transform to tran...
Returns the index of the last element in the provided collection that satisfies the provided testing...
Take a number and return specified currency formatting. Use Intl.NumberFormat to enable country / cu...
Returns an array of n random integers in the specified range. Use Array.from() to create an empty ar...