30秒学会 JavaScript 片段 – either
Returns true if at least one function returns true for a given set of arguments, false otherwise. Us...
Returns true if at least one function returns true for a given set of arguments, false otherwise. Us...
Creates a pulse effect loader animation using the animation-delay property. Use @keyframes to define...
Returns a function that is the logical complement of the given function, fn. Use the logical not (!)...
Enums are great but they are not visible in Angular templates by default. With this little trick you...
Checks if the given argument is a duplex (readable and writable) stream. Check if the value is diffe...
Returns the minimum/maximum value of an array, after applying the provided function to set comparing...
Converts a given string into a list of words. Use String.split() with the supplied pattern to conver...
Groups the elements of a list based on the given function and returns the count of elements in each ...
Returns the value of the first element in the provided collection that satisfies the provided testin...
Creates a function that invokes each provided function with the arguments it receives and returns th...