30秒学会 CSS 片段 – Hover shadow box animation
Creates a shadow box around the text when it is hovered. display: inline-block to set width and leng...
Creates a shadow box around the text when it is hovered. display: inline-block to set width and leng...
Decapitalizes the first letter of a string. Use string.ToCharArray() to convert the string to an arr...
Returns the scroll position of the current page. Use pageXOffset and pageYOffset if they are defined...
Creates a bouncing loader animation. @keyframes defines an animation that has two states, where the ...
Removes an event listener from an element. Use EventTarget.removeEventListener() to remove an event ...
Returns true if the given object is of the specified type, false otherwise. Use the is operator to c...
Converts a string to camel case. Use Regex.Matches() with an appropriate regular expression to break...
Returns the difference between two arrays, after applying the provided function to each array elemen...
Returns a random element from a list. Use random.randint() to generate a random number that correspo...
Splits a multiline string into a list of lines. Use String.split() and a regular expression to match...