30秒学会 C# 片段 – RandomDoubleInRange
Returns a random double in the specified range. Use Random.NextDouble() to generate a random value a...
Returns a random double in the specified range. Use Random.NextDouble() to generate a random value a...
Creates an element from a string (without appending it to the document). If the given string contain...
Invokes the provided function after wait milliseconds. Use setTimeout() to delay execution of fn. Us...
Returns all indices in an IList that match the given predicate function, match. Use Enumerable.Range...
Splits values into two groups according to a predicate function, which specifies which group an elem...
Chunks an array into smaller arrays of a specified size. Use Array.from() to create a new array, tha...
Returns the symmetric difference betweend two collections. Use IEnumerable.Except() to only return e...
Returns true if the given number is odd, false otherwise. Checks whether a number is odd or even usi...
Returns the first n elements in a collection. Use IEnumerable.Count() to check if the enumerable is ...
Swaps the values of two variables of the same type. Pass both values by reference using the ref keyw...