30秒学会 JavaScript 片段 – formatDuration
Returns the human readable format of the given number of milliseconds. Divide ms with the appropriat...
Returns the human readable format of the given number of milliseconds. Divide ms with the appropriat...
Groups the elements of an array based on the given function. Use Array.prototype.map() to map the va...
Generates a random hexadecimal color code. Use Math.random to generate a random 24-bit(6x4bits) hexa...
Returns true if the element specified is visible in the viewport, false otherwise. Use Element.getBo...
Removes elements from the end of an array until the passed function returns true. Returns the remain...
Results in a boolean representation of a specific date. Pass the specific date object firstly. Use D...
Returns true if an object looks like a Promise, false otherwise. Check if the object is not null, it...
Checks if the given argument is a writable stream. Check if the value is different from null, use ty...
Returns an array of elements that appear in both arrays. Use Array.prototype.filter() to remove valu...
Unflatten an object with the paths for keys. Use Object.keys(obj) combined with Array.prototype.redu...