30秒学会 C# 片段 – IsDouble
Returns true if the given string can be parsed into a double, false otherwise. Return the result of ...
Returns true if the given string can be parsed into a double, false otherwise. Return the result of ...
Returns the last element in a collection that matches the given predicate function, match. Use IEnum...
Returns true if the given DateTime is a not weekday, false otherwise. Use DateTime.DayOfWeek to chec...
Returns a subarray of the given array starting at the given index and having the specified length. U...
Returns the string representation of the weekday for the given DateTime. Use DateTime.ToString() wit...
Randomizes the order of the values of an IList, updating the original IList object. Use the Fisher-Y...
Returns the difference between two collections, after applying the provided function to each element...
Returns the maximum of a collection, after mapping each element to a value using the provided functi...
Converts a byte array to its hexadecimal string representation. Use BitConverter.ToString() to conve...
Returns the last index in an IList that matches the given predicate function, match. Use Enumerable....