30秒学会 JavaScript 片段 · 2023年10月12日

30秒学会 JavaScript 片段 – JavaScript Data Structures – Graph


A graph is a data structure consisting of a set of nodes or vertices and a set of edges that represent connections between those nodes. Graphs can be directed or undirected, while their edges can be assigned numeric weights.

JavaScript Graph visualization

Each node in a graph data structure must have the following properties:

  • key: The key of the node
  • value: The value of the node

Each edge in a graph data structure must have the following properties:

  • a: The starting node of the edge
  • b: The target node of the edge
  • weight: An optional numeric weight value for the edge

The main operations of a graph data structure are:

  • addNode: Inserts a new node with the specific key and value
  • addEdge: Inserts a new edge between two given nodes, optionally setting its weight
  • removeNode: Removes the node with the specified key
  • removeEdge: Removes the edge between two given nodes
  • findNode: Retrieves the node with the given key
  • hasEdge: Checks if the graph has an edge between two given nodes
  • setEdgeWeight: Sets the weight of a given edge
  • getEdgeWeight: Gets the weight of a given edge
  • adjacent: Finds all nodes for which an edge exists from a given node
  • indegree: Calculates the total number of edges to a given node
  • outdegree: Calculates the total number of edges from a given node



class Graph {
  constructor(directed = true) {
    this.directed = directed;
    this.nodes = [];
    this.edges = new Map();

  addNode(key, value = key) {
    this.nodes.push({ key, value });

  addEdge(a, b, weight) {
    this.edges.set(JSON.stringify([a, b]), { a, b, weight });
    if (!this.directed)
      this.edges.set(JSON.stringify([b, a]), { a: b, b: a, weight });

  removeNode(key) {
    this.nodes = this.nodes.filter(n => n.key !== key);
    [...this.edges.values()].forEach(({ a, b }) => {
      if (a === key || b === key) this.edges.delete(JSON.stringify([a, b]));

  removeEdge(a, b) {
    this.edges.delete(JSON.stringify([a, b]));
    if (!this.directed) this.edges.delete(JSON.stringify([b, a]));

  findNode(key) {
    return this.nodes.find(x => x.key === key);

  hasEdge(a, b) {
    return this.edges.has(JSON.stringify([a, b]));

  setEdgeWeight(a, b, weight) {
    this.edges.set(JSON.stringify([a, b]), { a, b, weight });
    if (!this.directed)
      this.edges.set(JSON.stringify([b, a]), { a: b, b: a, weight });

  getEdgeWeight(a, b) {
    return this.edges.get(JSON.stringify([a, b])).weight;

  adjacent(key) {
    return [...this.edges.values()].reduce((acc, { a, b }) => {
      if (a === key) acc.push(b);
      return acc;
    }, []);

  indegree(key) {
    return [...this.edges.values()].reduce((acc, { a, b }) => {
      if (b === key) acc++;
      return acc;
    }, 0);

  outdegree(key) {
    return [...this.edges.values()].reduce((acc, { a, b }) => {
      if (a === key) acc++;
      return acc;
    }, 0);
  • Create a class with a constructor that initializes an empty array, nodes, and a Map, edges, for each instance. The optional argument, directed, specifies if the graph is directed or not.

  • Define an addNode() method, which uses Array.prototype.push() to add a new node in the nodes array.

  • Define an addEdge() method, which uses Map.prototype.set() to add a new edge to the edges Map, using JSON.stringify() to produce a unique key.

  • Define a removeNode() method, which uses Array.prototype.filter() and Map.prototype.delete() to remove the given node and any edges connected to it.

  • Define a removeEdge() method, which uses Map.prototype.delete() to remove the given edge.

  • Define a findNode() method, which uses Array.prototype.find() to return the given node, if any.

  • Define a hasEdge() method, which uses Map.prototype.has() and JSON.stringify() to check if the given edge exists in the edges Map.

  • Define a setEdgeWeight() method, which uses Map.prototype.set() to set the weight of the appropriate edge, whose key is produced by JSON.stringify().

  • Define a getEdgeWeight() method, which uses Map.prototype.get() to get the eight of the appropriate edge, whose key is produced by JSON.stringify().

  • Define an adjacent() method, which uses Map.prototype.values(), Array.prototype.reduce() and Array.prototype.push() to find all nodes connected to the given node.

  • Define an indegree() method, which uses Map.prototype.values() and Array.prototype.reduce() to count the number of edges to the given node.

  • Define an outdegree() method, which uses Map.prototype.values() and Array.prototype.reduce() to count the number of edges from the given node.


const g = new Graph();


g.addEdge('a', 'c');
g.addEdge('b', 'c');
g.addEdge('c', 'b');
g.addEdge('d', 'a');

g.nodes.map(x => x.value);  // ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
[...g.edges.values()].map(({ a, b }) => `${a} => ${b}`);
// ['a => c', 'b => c', 'c => b', 'd => a']

g.adjacent('c');            // ['b']

g.indegree('c');            // 2
g.outdegree('c');           // 1

g.hasEdge('d', 'a');        // true
g.hasEdge('a', 'd');        // false

g.removeEdge('c', 'b');

[...g.edges.values()].map(({ a, b }) => `${a} => ${b}`);
// ['a => c', 'b => c', 'd => a']


g.nodes.map(x => x.value);  // ['a', 'b', 'd']
[...g.edges.values()].map(({ a, b }) => `${a} => ${b}`);
// ['d => a']

g.setEdgeWeight('d', 'a', 5);
g.getEdgeWeight('d', 'a');  // 5
