30秒学会 JavaScript 片段 · 2022年5月21日

30秒学会 JavaScript 片段 – JavaScript Data Structures – Tree


A tree is a data structure consisting of a set of linked nodes that represent a hierarchical tree structure. Each node is linked to others via parent-children relationship. The first node in the tree is the root, whereas nodes without any children are the leaves.

JavaScript Tree visualization

Each node in a tree data structure must have the following properties:

  • key: The key of the node
  • value: The value of the node
  • parent: The parent of the node (null if there is none)
  • children: An array of pointers to the node’s children

The main operations of a tree data structure are:

  • insert: Inserts a node as a child of the given parent node
  • remove: Removes a node and its children from the tree
  • find: Retrieves a given node
  • preOrderTraversal: Traverses the tree by recursively traversing each node followed by its children
  • postOrderTraversal: Traverses the tree by recursively traversing each node’s children followed by the node



class TreeNode {
  constructor(key, value = key, parent = null) {
    this.key = key;
    this.value = value;
    this.parent = parent;
    this.children = [];

  get isLeaf() {
    return this.children.length === 0;

  get hasChildren() {
    return !this.isLeaf;

class Tree {
  constructor(key, value = key) {
    this.root = new TreeNode(key, value);

  *preOrderTraversal(node = this.root) {
    yield node;
    if (node.children.length) {
      for (let child of node.children) {
        yield* this.preOrderTraversal(child);

  *postOrderTraversal(node = this.root) {
    if (node.children.length) {
      for (let child of node.children) {
        yield* this.postOrderTraversal(child);
    yield node;

  insert(parentNodeKey, key, value = key) {
    for (let node of this.preOrderTraversal()) {
      if (node.key === parentNodeKey) {
        node.children.push(new TreeNode(key, value, node));
        return true;
    return false;

  remove(key) {
    for (let node of this.preOrderTraversal()) {
      const filtered = node.children.filter(c => c.key !== key);
      if (filtered.length !== node.children.length) {
        node.children = filtered;
        return true;
    return false;

  find(key) {
    for (let node of this.preOrderTraversal()) {
      if (node.key === key) return node;
    return undefined;
  • Create a class for the TreeNode with a constructor that initializes the appropriate key, value, parent and children properties.
  • Define an isLeaf getter, that uses Array.prototype.length to check if children is empty.
  • Define a hasChildren getter, that is the reverse of the isLeaf getter.
  • Create a class for the Tree with a constructor that initializes the root of the tree.
  • Define a preOrderTraversal() generator method that traverses the tree in pre-order, using the yield* syntax to recursively delegate traversal to itself.
  • Define a postOrderTraversal() generator method that traverses the tree in post-order, using the yield* syntax to recursively delegate traversal to itself.
  • Define an insert() method, that uses the preOrderTraversal() method and Array.prototype.push() to add a new TreeNode to the tree.
  • Define a remove() method, that uses the preOrderTraversal() method and Array.prototype.filter() to remove a TreeNode from the tree.
  • Define a find() method, that uses the preOrderTraversal() method to retrieve the given node in the tree.


const tree = new Tree(1, 'AB');

tree.insert(1, 11, 'AC');
tree.insert(1, 12, 'BC');
tree.insert(12, 121, 'BG');

[...tree.preOrderTraversal()].map(x => x.value);
// ['AB', 'AC', 'BC', 'BCG']

tree.root.value;              // 'AB'
tree.root.hasChildren;        // true

tree.find(12).isLeaf;         // false
tree.find(121).isLeaf;        // true
tree.find(121).parent.value;  // 'BC'


[...tree.postOrderTraversal()].map(x => x.value);
// ['AC', 'AB']
