30秒学会 Python 片段 · 2022年2月10日

30秒学会 Python 片段 – List union based on function

Returns every element that exists in any of the two lists once, after applying the provided function to each element of both.

  • Create a set by applying fn to each element in a.
  • Use a list comprehension in combination with fn on b to only keep values not contained in the previously created set, _a.
  • Finally, create a set from the previous result and a and transform it into a list


def union_by(a, b, fn):
  _a = set(map(fn, a))
  return list(set(a + [item for item in b if fn(item) not in _a]))


from math import floor

union_by([2.1], [1.2, 2.3], floor) # [2.1, 1.2]
