30秒学会 Golang 片段 · 2020年3月1日

30秒学会 Golang 片段 – Zip

Creates a collection of elements, grouped based on the position in the original collections.

Use range to iterate over the params, reflect.ValueOf() and Value.Len() to find the longest collection.
Use make() to create a 2D interface{} slice of length equal to the longest collection.
Use make() to create a slice for each element in the result, range to iterate over params.
Use reflect.ValueOf(), Value.Len(), append(), Value.Index() and Value.Interface() to add values to the result.


import "reflect"

func Zip(params ...interface{}) [][]interface{} {
    l := 0
    for i := range params {
        arr := reflect.ValueOf(params[i])
        if l < arr.Len() {
            l = arr.Len()
    r := make([][]interface{}, l)

    for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
        r[i] = make([]interface{}, 0)
        for j := range params {
            v := reflect.ValueOf(params[j])
            if v.Len() > i {
                r[i] = append(r[i], v.Index(i).Interface())
    return r


s := []string{"a", "b"}
i := []int{1, 2}
b := []bool{true, false}
Zip(s, i, b) // [[a 1 true] [b 2 false]]