30秒学会 JavaScript 片段 · 2018年11月30日

30秒学会 JavaScript 片段 – createEventHub

Creates a pub/sub (publish–subscribe) event hub with emit, on, and off methods.

Use Object.create(null) to create an empty hub object that does not inherit properties from Object.prototype.
For emit, resolve the array of handlers based on the event argument and then run each one with Array.prototype.forEach() by passing in the data as an argument.
For on, create an array for the event if it does not yet exist, then use Array.prototype.push() to add the handler
to the array.
For off, use Array.prototype.findIndex() to find the index of the handler in the event array and remove it using Array.prototype.splice().


const createEventHub = () => ({
  hub: Object.create(null),
  emit(event, data) {
    (this.hub[event] || []).forEach(handler => handler(data));
  on(event, handler) {
    if (!this.hub[event]) this.hub[event] = [];
  off(event, handler) {
    const i = (this.hub[event] || []).findIndex(h => h === handler);
    if (i > -1) this.hub[event].splice(i, 1);
    if (this.hub[event].length === 0) delete this.hub[event];


const handler = data => console.log(data);
const hub = createEventHub();
let increment = 0;

// Subscribe: listen for different types of events
hub.on('message', handler);
hub.on('message', () => console.log('Message event fired'));
hub.on('increment', () => increment++);

// Publish: emit events to invoke all handlers subscribed to them, passing the data to them as an argument
hub.emit('message', 'hello world'); // logs 'hello world' and 'Message event fired'
hub.emit('message', { hello: 'world' }); // logs the object and 'Message event fired'
hub.emit('increment'); // `increment` variable is now 1

// Unsubscribe: stop a specific handler from listening to the 'message' event
hub.off('message', handler);