30秒学会 PHP 片段 · 2018年7月10日

30秒学会 PHP 片段 – curry

Curries a function to take arguments in multiple calls.

If the number of provided arguments ($args) is sufficient, call the passed function, $function.
Otherwise, return a curried function that expects the rest of the arguments.


function curry($function)
  $accumulator = function ($arguments) use ($function, &$accumulator) {
    return function (...$args) use ($function, $arguments, $accumulator) {
      $arguments = array_merge($arguments, $args);
      $reflection = new ReflectionFunction($function);
      $totalArguments = $reflection->getNumberOfRequiredParameters();

      if ($totalArguments <= count($arguments)) {
        return $function(...$arguments);

      return $accumulator($arguments);

  return $accumulator([]);


$curriedAdd = curry(
  function ($a, $b) {
    return $a + $b;

$add10 = $curriedAdd(10);
var_dump($add10(15)); // 25