30秒学会 React 片段 · 2017年7月29日

30秒学会 React 片段 – Tabs

Renders a tabbed menu and view component.

  • Define a TabItem component, pass it to the Tab and remove unnecessary nodes expect for TabItem by identifying the function’s name in props.children.
  • Use the React.useState() hook to initialize the value of the bindIndex state variable to props.defaultIndex.
  • Use Array.prototype.map on the collected nodes to render the tab-menu and tab-view.
  • Define changeTab, which will be executed when clicking a <button> from the tab-menu.
  • changeTab executes the passed callback, onTabClick and updates bindIndex, which in turn causes a re-render, evaluating the style and className of the tab-view items and tab-menu buttons according to their index.


.tab-menu > button {
  cursor: pointer;
  padding: 8px 16px;
  border: 0;
  border-bottom: 2px solid transparent;
  background: none;
.tab-menu > button.focus {
  border-bottom: 2px solid #007bef;
.tab-menu > button:hover {
  border-bottom: 2px solid #007bef;


function TabItem(props) {
  return <div {...props} />;

function Tabs(props) {
  const [bindIndex, setBindIndex] = React.useState(props.defaultIndex);
  const changeTab = newIndex => {
    if (typeof props.onTabClick === 'function') props.onTabClick(newIndex);
  const items = props.children.filter(item => item.type.name === 'TabItem');

  return (
    <div className="wrapper">
      <div className="tab-menu">
        {items.map(({ props: { index, label } }) => (
          <button onClick={() => changeTab(index)} className={bindIndex === index ? 'focus' : ''}>
      <div className="tab-view">
        {items.map(({ props }) => (
            style={{ display: bindIndex === props.index ? 'block' : 'none' }}
  <Tabs defaultIndex="1" onTabClick={console.log}>
    <TabItem label="A" index="1">
      Lorem ipsum
    <TabItem label="B" index="2">
      Dolor sit amet